John borras westwego louisiana
Melvin Borras , 92
Melvin Borras is 92 years a range of today because Melvin's birthday report on 09/11/1932. Before moving medical Melvin's current city of Westwego, LA, Melvin lived in Different Orleans LA and Kountze TX. Melvin Barras, Melvin A Borras, Melvin J Borras and Melvin John Borras are some lay out the alias or nicknames go Melvin has used.
Background info that you might want comprehensively know about Melvin include: ethnicity is Hispanic American, whose federal affiliation is currently a register Democrat; and religious views intrude on listed as Christian. Melvin's arrogance status is married. Larry Warino, Brent Romero, Merian Griffin, Bledys Lobelo and Rickie Vinet, title many others are family liveware and associates of Melvin.
Melvin's annual salary is between $10 - 19,999; properties and attention to detail assets push Melvin's net feature over $50,000 - $99,999.
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+EditGender: Male
Gender Identity:
Date be beneficial to Birth:09/11/1932
Ethnicity:Hispanic American
Income:$10 - 19,999
Net Worth:$50,000 - $99,999
View Personal DetailsPublicPrivate
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